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episode 83: In short, she is baked

You know how they say “dog bites man” isn’t a story, but “man bites dog” is? First, don’t bite dogs. Second, think of how many things you’ve taken from a junk food machine. Yeah, there’s a parallel in here somewhere, and it’s super spooky, but I’m tired and you’re going to have to make the connection yourself.

In this episode, Olivia’s I-drops (iDrops?) have gotten mixed up with some other substances, and, well, if you thought added chaos might cancel out existing chaos….nope. It just piles on.


You’ve been listening to:

Eric Perry as Dr. von Haber Zetzer and Joe
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Kevin Hall as Greg
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise.
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2
And Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator.

Our music is by John Faley. Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor, and Shannon Perry sound designed this episode (and asks that you just go with it). Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, space monkeys.

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episode 82: Keep your knickers out of the biscuit tin

Our crew land on a strange planet … and find someone truly strange. 

BUT: here’s your chance to hear a chunk of Dr. Theo’s novel as our turnip greens attempt to evade what Joe refers to as “the stupidest way to die we’ve come up with yet.”


You’ve been listening to:

Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Shannon Perry as Madeline
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Eric Perry as Joe
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Kevin Hall as Greg
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2
And Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator
**Guest starring Ash Hunt as Officer Lowell, courtesy of Oblivity, the brilliant podcast by Rob Stringer.**

If you’re not familiar with Oblivity podcast, you’re really missing out. Stay tuned for a tasty sample, then find more here: Oblivity is one of our favorite shows of all time, so make sure you check them out!

John Faley writes our music; Lucas Elliott is responsible for our artwork. Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor, and sadly, Shannon Perry sound-designed this mess.

Thanks for listening, space monkeys. Now go do something useful to make up for it.

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HIATUS: Discussing Oz 9

Welcome to the Audiotorium. It’s Discussing Oz 9, with Narrator and Narrator 2, Pluto, and other assorted folks.

If you’re not familiar with the Discussing Network and their stable of shows, Discussing Who, Discussing Trek, and Discussing Comics, you really could be listening to that instead of this. ( 

But in the style of Discussing Stuff, it’s a review of Oz 9’s season 4, so if you haven’t listened to all of season 4, well, spoilers, sweetie.


This episode was written by Kyle Jones and features …

Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2 
(and far-too-briefly Clarence Brown as Narrator 2)
Lee Shackleford as Pluto
Tim Sherburn as Colin
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise
Richard Cowen as Leet
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Cpt Jessie
Steven Crider as Rock Brickwell
Richard Nadolny as the Alarm
Shannon Perry as Olivia

Our music is by John Faley, our artwork by Lucas Elliott. Be sure to check out all the shows at our very dear friends’ Discussing Network


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episode 81: Hangover remedies and really good sunscreen

Yes, I KNOW we said January, but hey, it’s January somewhere, right?

The Oz 9 crew are finally (?) done with their plant-based emergency and have broken free of the Milky Way Galaxy. They’re currently lurking in a galaxy that (if you’re looking at it sideways and are 9 years old) has a vaguely rude shape. That should keep them entertained for a while.

Anyway, they might actually get off the 9 and explore a strange new world here soon, so now’s probably a good time to say goodbye.

Please stay through the end credits to hear a very cool trailer for a very good show: Human B-Gon. Check it out here on Podchaser!

And we haven’t gotten any reviews for, like, AGES, so you know <scuffs shoe in dirt>, if you wanted to <stuffs hands deep in pockets>, you could, like, leave us one or something. No biggie.


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Chrissi Talyn Saje as Julie
Eric Perry as Joe
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae
Kevin Hall as Greg,
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2, and
Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator.

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Sarah Golding is our dialog editor, and Oliver Morris is our sound designer. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry but if you say so in public, she’ll deny it.

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HIATUS: Enough with the toad orgy, Two

If you struggled through the classically complex and layered story of the last four seasons, you’re not alone. It was, as Mrs Sheffield has it, “more twisty-turny than my graduate teaching assistant’s insides after my AP Honours’ Intestinal Inversion lecture and practicuum.” 

So Dr. Charles Tucket, who you may remember from another hiatus episode, The Oz 8000 Biosphere: Portrait of a Refuge, has been unthawed once again to provide some much-needed and hopefully not teeth-grittingly dull exposition and explanation.

Good luck. Take notes.

You’ve been listening to:

Kyle Jones as the tour guide and Narrator Two.
Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator, 
and David S Dear as Dr. Charlie Tucket.

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork by Lucas Elliott. Sarah Golding is the dialogue editor, and Oliver Morris is our sound designer. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry.


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episode 79: Sand where no man is making pearls

It’s possible someone dies in this episode. I mean, it’s possible someone dies in EVERY episode — it’s really pretty astonishing when no one does — so you should probably pay attention today so you understand the chatter around the old fishbowl at work tomorrow.

Today’s bonus information: a really tightly woven Italian suit can protect against some wimpier weaponry. 

And just like that, another player is removed from the board. One episode left in Season Four, space monkeys. Will anyone survive?


You’ve been listening to…

Kevin Hall as Felonius and Greg
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Eric Perry as Mr. Southers, Dr. von Haber Zetzer and Joe
Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle
Shannon Perry as Madeline
Tim Sherburn as Colin
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise and Ben
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Kyle Jones is Narrator 2, and
Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator

Our spectacular artwork is by Lucas Elliott; all this gorgeous music is by John Faley. Dialogue editing is from the brilliant Sarah Golding, and sound design from the glorious Oliver Morris. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry, who can almost remember what happened in the last episode, but no guarantees.

Oz 9 will be hosting a live listen-along for our season finale! Join us at 10 AM US Pacific time on our Cast Junkie Discord channel on date TBD.

Keep an eye on our website and our Twitter, @Oz9podcast, for the exact date once we know what it is. To join us, find the invite link on our website, Or go here, even:

Until next time, space monkeys, shoot for the stars, but don’t eat the sandwiches.

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episode 77: Mind the disco ball

Content warning: There are some big emotions in this one, so please take care of you.

We’re getting closer to the end of Season 4, and … well, that’s it, really. We’re getting closer. Break out the confetti because you get a break from us!

Well, probably. We’re kind of like barnacles — we have to be scraped off and then we still leave a sticky residue.

Anyway, lots going on in here, so I’ll just leave you to it. Pass the sandwiches. And the tissue….


You’ve been listening to:

Eric Perry as Dr von Haber Zetzer and Joe
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Kevin Hall as Greg and Felonius
Richard Cowen as Leet
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise and Ben
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Kyle Jones is Narrator 2, and
Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator

Oz 9’s dialogue is edited by Sarah Golding, and Oliver Morris is our sound designer. Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry.

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episode 76: Covered in goat dung and yodelers

It’s entirely possible this story has spun a wee bit out of control. But then, isn’t that a lot like…life?

I mean, take your basic ergonomic keyboard. Don’t you want to bash its tiny electronic brains out on a rock, only it was expensive and nominally doing something useful for your hands or wrists or something? While that might be an overreaction, might it also be considered an entirely understandable response to the fact that every time you try to type an exclamation point you get that weird squiggly tilde or whatever that thing is called, and let’s face it, for some of us, there’s just not that much call for a tilde, as I don’t speak a language that requires it, nor do I need to indicate “approximately” that often-


Just … listen to the thing. Or not. Whatever~ oh for fu-


You’ve been listening to: 

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
June Clark Eubanks as Teresa and the Albatros
Eric Perry as Joe and Dr von Haber Zetzer
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Richard Cowen as Leet
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Kevin Hall as Greg
Aaron Clark as Ben and Le Bichon Frise
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Lee Shackleford as Pluto
Richard Nadolny as The Alarm
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2 and
Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Our dialogue is edited by Sarah Golding, and Oliver Morris is our sound designer. Oz 9 is written by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys~


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