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Tag: Lee Shackleford

Episode X – 1

Written by Lee Shackleford of the awesome sci-fi audio drama Relativity, this bonus episode exposes you to yet more of Oz 9 that you were hoping to avoid.

Is it possible an advanced alien species is coming aboard the ship? Well, yeah, I mean — they’re in space. But, are they friendly? This is the Oz 9. What are the chances?

HUGE thanks to Lee, who wrote AND produced this episode despite all our mostly unintentional efforts to thwart him. BTW, Lee is an amazing voice and stage actor, writer, and human being, so if you want to get in contact, find him at



You’ve been listening to:

Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Eric Perry as Dr. Friederich von Haber-Zetzer
Richard Cowen as Leet
Sarah Golding and Clarence Brown as Etaoin Shrdlu, and
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was written by Lee Shackleford. 

Until next time, Space Monkeys!


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