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Tag: Officer Lowell

episode 82: Keep your knickers out of the biscuit tin

Our crew land on a strange planet … and find someone truly strange. 

BUT: here’s your chance to hear a chunk of Dr. Theo’s novel as our turnip greens attempt to evade what Joe refers to as “the stupidest way to die we’ve come up with yet.”


You’ve been listening to:

Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Shannon Perry as Madeline
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Eric Perry as Joe
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Kevin Hall as Greg
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2
And Chris Nadolny Gourley as your Narrator
**Guest starring Ash Hunt as Officer Lowell, courtesy of Oblivity, the brilliant podcast by Rob Stringer.**

If you’re not familiar with Oblivity podcast, you’re really missing out. Stay tuned for a tasty sample, then find more here: Oblivity is one of our favorite shows of all time, so make sure you check them out!

John Faley writes our music; Lucas Elliott is responsible for our artwork. Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor, and sadly, Shannon Perry sound-designed this mess.

Thanks for listening, space monkeys. Now go do something useful to make up for it.

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