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Tag: murder mystery

episode thirty-eight: I forgot to untie the technician

Look, I’ve been up all night, and seriously the first person to speak to me may find themselves trying to pour coffee into a stump. Like, where their head used to be, not a tree, that was supposed to be sort of threatening and scary. Never mind.

Make sure you listen right to the end as there’s treats and stuff you won’t want to miss.

Oh, and Head 1 finally gets a name. It’s … epic. Really.


You’re listening to:

Iri Alexander as Julie
Tim Sherburn as Colin, Emily, and Buck
Kevin Hall as Greg
Sarah Golding as Mrs. Sheffield
June Clark Eubanks as Glenda and the Albatros
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
Richard Cowen as Leet
Aaron Clark as Ben and le Bichon Frise
Eric Perry as Head 1 (wanna learn his new name? listen to the episode) Mr. Southers, Joe, and Dr. von Haber-Zetzer
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Introducing David S. Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator.

SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALLI SCHLEISMAN and ROSA DELGADO of Elaine’s Cooking for the Soul podcast.

And THANK YOU to David S. Dear of A Ninth World Journal podcast!

Our music is by John Faley, our artwork is by Lucas Elliott, and Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Remember, space monkeys, stay safe and wash your hands…. Especially if you’ve touched anything on the Oz 9, yuck.

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episode thirty-seven: Hung up like a deli chicken

Despite Joe’s best attempts to keep the Oz 9 free of … icky things, a very large, armed, and presumably hostile icky thing has taken over the bridge.

This has just been one of those space voyages, hasn’t it?


You’re listening to:

Iri Alexander as Julie

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise

Eric Perry as Joe, Head 1, and Dr. von Haber Zetzer

Richard Cowen as Leet and Tiberius

June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline

Kevin Hall as Greg and Felonius

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily,

And Richard Nadolny as your Narrator.

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. We have new artwork, so be sure to check out the Oz 9 shop in Tee Public! Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

We want all our space monkeys to stay safe and well, so be sure to wash your hands regularly. If that’s becoming a drag, check out the podcast Listen, Rinse, Repeat for episodes just the right length for washing your hands. That’s Listen, Rinse, Repeat. Be well, space monkeys!

And make sure to listen for the trailer of Y2K, a fabulous podcast by Karin Heimdahl. Available on Podchaser or wherever you hear your favorite podcasts.

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episode thirty-six: There once was a garçon from Bordeaux

Pod poetry is generally considered to be the 3rd worst in the universe. If you have a weak liver or any sort of cheese allergy, you might want to check with a doctor before listening to this episode.


You’re listening to:

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna

Richard Cowen as Leet and Tyberius

Iri Alexander as Julie

Sarah Golding as Mrs. Sheffield

June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Buck

Kevin Hall as Greg

Eric Perry as Joe and Mr. Southers

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline, and

ONLY Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley. Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry. Thanks to Allan Hopfensperger for this episode’s Naming Head One contribution.

These are some crazy times, Space Monkeys, so take care and be well!

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episode thirty-five: Rabid-egret eggs and something vaguely chivelike

Beans — BIG beans — are about to be spilled aboard the Oz 9, and that could spell trouble for the crew. Especially if the beans land in a very particular way that happens to spell “trouble.”

And someone aboard the Oz 9 is not doing their job. I realize I should probably narrow that down for you, as it’s a hefty list, but just listen up and you’ll figure it out.


You’ve been listening to:

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise

Eric Perry as Dr von Haber-Zetzer, Joe, and Head 1

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily

Richard Cowen as Leet

Kevin Hall as Greg

June Clark Eubanks as Glenda and the Albatros

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline

A special guest appearance by Kyle Jones, and

Richard Nadolny, as your Narrator.

Our music is by John Faley, our artwork is by Lucas Elliott, and Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry. Thanks to Dwayne Farber of Manifestations podcast for this week’s Naming Head One contribution. And welcome to our newest patrons: Lee of Relativity Podcast, and Kim Cole of Chaotic Goodness podcast.

Until next time, space monkeys!

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episode thirty-four: Fly, you beautiful bastard, fly!

What do you do when your Otologostealth X13 runs out of charge?

That wasn’t actually a rhetorical question — the manual is in Ancient Mesopotamian (we think) and none of the charging cables we have fits. Anyone?

Anyway, we say goodbye to a crewmate this episode, so get your hanky ready or use your sleeve or whatever, just prepare to have your innards stepped on in the name of emotional manipulation.


You’re listening to:

June Clark Eubanks as Glenda and the Albatros

Kevin Hall as Greg

Eric Perry as Mr. Southers, Dr. von Haber-Zetzer, and Joe

Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Buck

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben

Richard Cowen as Leet

With Sarah Golding as Mrs. Sheffield

Introducing Iri Alexander as Julie and

Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Thanks to Jessica Vest for this week’s suggestion for Naming Head One. Music by John Faley; art by Lucas Elliott; Oz 9 was written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, space monkeys!

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episode thirty-three: If you say so, Frog Butt

No one said life in space would be easy. Though if they’d listened closely, the people buying seats on the Oz ships might have heard G2 officials mutter under their breath about how easy death in space was going to be …

Anyway, it’s a Thursday aboard the Oz 9, which means Leet is optimistic about their chances of survival. He’s alone in that, but hey, he’s a rebel.

You’ve been listening to:


Richard Cowen as Leet

Tim Sherburn as Colin

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie

June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros

Kevin Hall as Cal who we’re probably going to call Greg from now on

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise

Eric Perry as Joe and Dr. von Haber Zetzer

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline, and

Richard Nadolny as your narrator

Special thanks to Kiyomi for naming our zebra Greg, and thanks to Dwayne for this episode’s #NamingHeadOne suggestion.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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episode thirty-two: It’s stuck in my cravat!

I’ve pretty much decided that some weeks ago, I ate the fugu, and everything since has been some sort of weird fever dream. I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense, right?



You’ve been listening to:

Kevin Hall as Cal and Greg the Zebra

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie

Eric Perry as Joe, Dr. von Haber Zetzer, and Head One

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily

Richard Cowen as Leet

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise

June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline and

Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Our theme music and other music is composed and performed by John Faley. Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, space monkeys.

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Mini episode 31 and a half: Scrummy nuns and dodgy deacons

Otherwise known as “The Origin of Colin Smith,” this mini ep gives some background into-

Ah ah — you almost got me, there. Nope. I’m not telling. I’m afraid you’ll have to listen like it’s 2020 or something.


You’ve listening to:

Eric Perry as Mr. Southers

Kevin Hall as Spotty Bosh

and Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Our theme and other music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys.

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episode thirty-one: Daydreams and teddy bear hugs

I… we… they…


This is… It just…



You’ve been listening to:

June Clark Eubanks as Glenda and the Albatros

Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie

Tim Sherburn as Colin, Buck, and Emily

Eric Perry as Mr. Southers, Head 1, and Dr. von Haber Zetzer

Richard Cowen as Leet

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben

Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline

Special thanks to guest star Sarah Golding as Mrs. Clara Sheffield

And Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

This episode is dedicated in loving memory to Kari David and Aunt Mary Kathryn. Safe travels, space monkeys. You’ll be missed.

Our theme music was composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

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