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Captain’s blog #3: Madeline Marks, Oz 9

The activity around my ship has really picked up. So many big boxes are being loaded in, but they won’t show me what’s inside, which feels weird, but one guy said he “doesn’t want to spoil the surprise.” Oooookaaaaay. Still, surprises! Yay!

I’ve caught a couple of glimpses around the edges, and I think it’s mostly familiar stuff to make the humans feel at home on our new planet. Not sure if we’ll be able to make cotton candy right away, but hey, when the time comes, we’ll be ready! What effect does funky gravity have on candy floss?

I’m dying to get in there and explore, but a couple of days ago, they brought a guy out on a stretcher. Apparently he got lost in there and nearly starved, so that’s worrying. They reassured me the ship would be fully sign posted, and we could always call out to the AI for help. PHEW. Forgot about the AI. 

More boxes. More giggling. I think I’d feel better about all this if the dudes loading the ship didn’t reek quite so much of pot, Southern Comfort, and Creme de Menthol, or whatever it’s called. Wait…. that’s not right. Cream de Menthol? Whatever. 

I did get close enough to put my hand on the ship. They say nothing’s up and running in there, so maybe I was just feeling the vibration of all the stuff being moved in, but I definitely felt something….. like, thirteen beats of hum, then a skip*. And something weird, every now and again, like a giggle. Especially when I moved my hand. Dunno. Maybe the 9 is ticklish.

Oh, just got word that we should alert our crews to be on board tomorrow for a briefing. I think the Senate hearing starts tomorrow too, so maybe they’ll tell us more about that. Whatever, don’t care, I just can’t wait to get in there and start captaining. Where did I put my copy of O Captain My Captain You’re a Captain Now? 


*Merci, ButteredToastInBed for locating the reference and CoolB for making this easier to read!


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