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Captain’s blog #2: Madeline Marks, Oz 9

I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been a whole week since my last post, but Olivia is insisting it’s Tuesday again, so I guess it is. She says it’s leap year and therefore there are some extra Tuesdays, which I’m almost positive isn’t what I was taught in school, but she’s the AI, so we’re going with it.

Got to get a little closer to my ship today. I was checking out the fins – like, should the weight of the ship be resting on those tiny little legs? Then I heard a loud creak and a huge crash, and they really fast put up a bunch of ladders and tarps and that funky police tape, which they said was necessary only because the festive bunting had been stolen last week. An ambulance arrived shortly after, but apparently that was because one of the other captains got so excited about his ship, he passed out and hit his head.

Which I totally get! I mean, she’s huge and gorgeous, and I get a little light headed when I try to see her top. Granted, last week I passed out trying to shake a spider out of my hair, but you get me. Launch date is still pretty loosey goosey, which is such a gross saying. I mean. What happens to a loose goose? Do their necks just give out and flop over and they drown? Or can they breathe underwater….?

I’m off topic. So glad I don’t have to worry about water or birds or any of that stuff any more. I mean, at least until we find our new planet. I can’t wait to do my on-board inspection. I’m gonna wear my shiniest captain’s bars for that one. Dammit, I gotta remember to get some night vision goggles…

Over and out. 

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