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episode sixty: Your breath smells of caramel and butterscotch

This one is a beast. Go to the bathroom, get some water, maybe load up on some snacks. Is your listening device charged? 

Get comfy. We have a lot to tell.


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin, Buck, and Emily
Richard Cowen as Leet and Percival slash Tiberius
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
Eric Perry as Dr von Haber Zetzer, Howard, Joe, and Mr Southers
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Captain Madeline
Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros and Glenda
Kevin Hall as Greg and Felonius
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
David S. Dear as Dr Theo Bromae and Tiberius
Iri Alexander as Julie
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2
Lee Shackleford as Pluto

Special guest performances from:
Mignon Fogarty, the Grammar Girl, as herself
Beccy Stirrup as Sam, the Space Archivist
Scottye Moore as the Guard
Nikki Richardson as the Gated Galaxies Switchboard operator
Janis Westin as the Greyhound
The entire cast of that glorious podcast, Mission: Rejected

Huge thanks to our Music Man, John Faley; our artist extraordinaire, Lucas Elliott; our director, the incomparable June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

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