Remember how there was that one week you were sick or maybe just on vacation but too poor to go anywhere? And you watched daytime TV, and even though you knew it was ridiculous and cheesy, by Friday you were desperate to know if little Suzy really was Armoire’s daughter and if Aristato would find Nectarina in time to stop her from marrying … I don’t know, Ponderosa Jutjaw or whatever?
Just stay with me, this is relevant.
What I’m saying is, it’s totally possible to get swept up in a story, even if the story is kind of nonsense and the characters are slightly less intelligent than waffles.
Don’t believe me? This is episode 48.
You’ve been listening to:
Kevin Hall as Greg
Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben
Eric Perry as Joe and Mr. Southers
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Iri Alexander as Julie
Tim Sherburn as Buck
Bonnie Brantley as Donna
June Clare Eubanks as Glenda and the Albatros
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline, and
guest starring Nikki Richardson as the Gated Galaxies Switchboard Operator.
Our music was composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.
We love reviews (glowing ones, preferably), so feel free to leave us one on Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, or the podcatcher of your choice.
Until next time, Space Monkeys!
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