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episode fifty-nine: Quality control. Also, nibbles.

You’ve been awesome! No, really. I’d love to be able to reward your patience, but instead I just have an episode. I know it’s not much, but I made it myself. 

One more episode to close out the season: are you ready?

No. You’re not. Sorry, but you are SO not ready.

You’ve been listening to:


Lee Shackleford as Pluto
Kevin Hall as Felonius and Greg
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
Iri Alexander as Julie
Aaron Clark as Ben
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Mrs Sheffield as Mrs Arris
Eric Perry as Southers, Dr von Haber Zetzer and Howard
Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily
Richard Cowen as Leet
David S Dear as Dr. Theo and Tiberius
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
and Richard Nadolny as your Narrator. Also, as the microwave and fridge.

Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott; our theme music is by John Faley. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Special thanks to Ann Sloan of the awesome Carlötta Beautox Chronicles podcast, for the Smoking Ruin cocktail idea!

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episode fifty-eight: Spucked into sace

With just three episodes (well, this one plus two more) left in the season, is that a cliff I see ahead? With a small branch protruding from its face, just right for hanging?

Things are moving along at a rapid pace, much like the Oz 9 isn’t, and there are surprises, tears, laughter, warming of hearts, girding of loins, rending of garments, and possibly smoochies ahead.




You’ve been listening to:

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae
Eric Perry as Howard, Dr. von Haber Zetzer, and Joe
Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Richard Cowen as Leet
Kevin Hall as Greg
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise, and
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator.

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry. 

Until next time, space monkeys!

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episode fifty-seven: But then I also say higgledy piggledy

This episode begins with a funeral, so you might want to have tissues handy.

The production assistant was supposed to get hypo-allergenic flowers for the ceremony but managed to find hyper-allergenic ones, which don’t only make you sneeze, they cram themselves up your nose until you beg for mercy. 

The PA has been fwipped, so if you have even remotely appropriate experience, we’re hiring.


You’ve been listening to…

Tim Sherburn as Colin
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna
Richard Cowen as Leet
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Eric Perry as Dr von Haber-Zetzer, Joe, and Mr Southers
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise and Ben
Kevin Hall as Greg
Iri Alexander as Julie
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Lee Shackleford as Pluto
and Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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episode fifty-six: Our future together is suddenly in doubt

I’m contractually obligated to tell you that we’re running a Kickstarter campaign to try to fund turning Oz 9 into a comic book. So please give us money, if you can, or tell other people to give us money. Or both. Thanks and whatever. (GOOD NEWS, WE’RE FUNDED!)

Here’s a surprise: Jessie doesn’t like comics. She says they’re too colourful and she’s never read one. I would have recommended she read them when she’s not in a bad mood, but maybe that’s what she’s already doing?



Anyway, you know the drill. You’ve been listening to these people. Gourd knows why.

Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Richard Cowen as Leet
David S. Dear as Dr. Theo Bromaeeee…
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Kevin Hall as Greg
Eric Perry as Dr von Haber-Zetzer and Joe
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Aaron Clark as Ben
Iri Alexander as Julie
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator
and Kyle Jones as Narrator 2

Our artwork (which is also in the comic book, just sayin’) is by Lucas Elliott; our music is composed and performed by John Faley, except the MCCACEC fight song, which was composed and … lyricized? lyricked? by Sarah Golding. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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Bonus episode: Mission: *FWIP*!

A rift in time and space causes four members of the Oz 9 crew to get pulled off the space ship (bringing the median IQ up a significant number of notches) and swapped with four members of the EMF (aaaaaaaaaaand we’re back to where we were, IQ-wise).

This is part two of a special two-part crossover with the frankly hilarious secret agent comedy, Mission: Rejected. If you haven’t heard part one yet, stop, put us on pause, go out, listen to part 1 on the Mission: Rejected feed, come back, take us off pause, because from this moment forward….

I’d say “spoilers,” but let’s face it… it’s mostly nonsense. 

Be sure to listen to the fantastic comedy being dished up at Mission: Rejected ( You won’t regret it. Much.


You’ve been listening to: (In alphabetical order)

Ashley Banks as Athena O’Brien
Pete Barry as Kristatos O’Brien
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise
Richard Cowen as Leet
J. Michael DeAngelis as Larry Hastings
David S. Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Faith Dowgin as Section Chief Zelda Anders
John Dowgin as Dr. Biff Studebaker
June Clark Eubanks as The Albatros
Sarah Golding as Mrs. Sheffield
Kevin Hall as Greg
Jill Ivey as the Western Union Woman
Bob Killion as The Admiral and Orin
Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger
Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak
Eric Perry as Doctor von Haber Zetzer and Joe
Shannon Perry as Olivia, Madeline, and Dr. Pickle
Dave Sanger as Bowden Montcrief
Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Kirk White as Chet Phillips
Karen Yang as Dr. Karol Legrange
with Richard Nadolny as your Narrator
and Kevin McGrath as The Mission Voice

Our music was by Pete Barry and John Faley. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks and J. Michael DeAngelis. (Do all podcast directors have three names?)

This episode was written by Shannon Perry, Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis and John Dowgin. Sound mixing and editing was by Pete Barry. Mission Rejected is written and produced by Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis, and John Dowgin. Oz-9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Sound effect attributions below. All other sound effects by Pete Barry ( and Shannon Perry. 

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episode fifty-five: Monkey Man, gather the sweets

OK, OK, yes, it’s late AGAIN. We know. We’ve been having a really rough time lately, the kids are sick, the roof caved in when we had that thunderstorm last week, and then there was that other thing….

No, you’re right. None of that is true. Our alarm is a bored dude just saying “alarm alarm alarm” over and over, so clearly this is not a well-financed, slick-and-professional thing we’ve got going here. 

Throw some money at our Patreon or Kofi, and maybe we can talk about maintaining a schedule. It won’t happen, but we can talk.


You’ve been listening to…
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Lee Shackleford as Pluto
Iri Alexander as Julie
Aaron Clark as Ben
Bonnie Brantley as Donna
Richard Cowen as Tiberius
Kevin Hall as Felonius
Eric Perry as Mr. Southers,
and Richard Nadolny as your Narrator.

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley. Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Our next episode is extra special, and we’re super excited to bring it to you. Plus, someone else is doing the production, so it’ll probably be on time!

Until then, Space Monkeys!

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episode fifty-four: Remove the bejesus with fear

All the backstory you never wanted and then some. We find out some stuff about Le Bichon Frise, some other stuff about Donna, blah blah blah. Greg falls over at one point, so that’s pretty funny. 

I’d say “sorry it’s so late,” but I feel like I ought to be it before I say it. So…. It’s late. 


(You may have to download the transcript in order to see all the pages)

You’ve been listening to:

Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
Eric Perry as Dr. von Haber Zetzer & Joe
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise
David S. Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Kevin Hall as Greg
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Richard Cowen as Leet
introducing Janis Westin as The Greyhound
Richard Nadolny is our Narrator

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Don’t forget to check out our Fan Kit, available to download for free from our website, https://oz-9/com

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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episode fifty-two: Everyone knows about böckling

Do you know how to disable an invisible alarm? Yeah, well, listen close; someone on our crew is about to tell you.

Well, maybe… we’re not entirely sure it works, so I don’t know that I’d test it at the Louvre. Maybe Paddy MacDougal’s Museum O’Naughty Limericks and Saucy Sea Shanties first.

Just steer clear of the green milkshakes. Actually, that’s a really good lesson for the Oz 9 as well.

Anyway, here’s the episode, it’s late, and there are probably half a dozen limericks at Paddy’s that could push it down and steal its lunch money, but never mind. Someone bring me some wine, and don’t spare the chickens.


You’ve been listening to:

David S. Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Richard Cowen as Leet
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Eric Perry as Southers and Dr. von Haber Zetzer
Iri Alexander as Julie
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
Kevin Hall as Felonius and Greg
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise and Ben
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline, and
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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episode fifty-one: I look damn good in jodhpurs

The crew aboard the Oz 9 are stalactites, holding tight to the ceiling in unexpected zero Gs, and the crew on the ground are stalagmites, who might survive if a crabby, oddly dressed ancient god decides to let them go.

You know, same old same old.

Oz 9 is back from holiday break, though why a crew that typically works a solid seven-minute day needs a break is yet to be determined.

We hope you missed us as much as we very nearly missed that very important satellite. Hey, who needs news in this day and age, amirite?

Thanks to the awesome Ann Sloan for providing the trailer for her very funny Carlotta Beautox Chronicles podcast!


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Buck
Eric Perry as Dr. von Haber Zetzer, Joe, and Mr Southers
Bonnie Brantley as Donna and Jessie
June Clark Eubanks as the Albatros and Glenda
David S Dear as Dr. Theo Bromae
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise and Ben
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Kevin Hall as Greg and Felonius
Richard Cowen as Leet
Iri Alexander as Julie
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Lee Shackleford as Pluto, and
Richard Nadolny as the Narrator

Our music was composed and performed by John Faley. Our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!


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