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episode sixty-five: Astronauting is a lonely business

Have you ever wondered about HOW the Oz ships were retrofitted for long space journeys? Us too. 

We still do.

Hey, stay till the end to hear the trailer for the glorious podcast Mockery Manor. HIGHLY recommended!


You’ve been listening to:

Lee Shackleford as Interviewer 1
Sarah Golding as Interviewer 2
Kevin Hall as Interviewer 4
June Clark Eubanks as Interviewer 5
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Richard Cowen as Leet
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Shannon Perry as Madeline
Eric Perry as Mr Southers
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator, and
Kyle Jones as Interviewer 3 and Narrator 2.

Our music is by John Faley; our artwork is by Lucas Elliott. 
Thanks for joining us, Space Monkeys, and we’ll be back next time!


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