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Tag: murder mystery

episode seventeen: So the deed could not be done

The episode that finally answers the critical question: why do robots climb like cows?

There’s an arm under the sofa, Jessie’s dangling from a shelf in Maintenance Bay 15, and we learn what ligatures are for.

It’s, like, Day 7? 8? aboard the Oz 9, and things haven’t gotten any better. Does anyone know a good pycnologist?


You’ve been listening to:

Aaron Clark is le Bichon Frise
June Eubanks is the Albatros and Glenda
Bonnie Brantley is Jessie and Donna
Eric Perry is Joe, Head 1, and Dr. von Haber-Zetzer
Tim Sherburn is Colin and Emily
Richard Cowen is Leet
Shannon Perry is Olivia and Madeline and
Richard Nadolny is your Narrator

From Freesound:

The theme music was composed and performed by John Faley. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry. Assistance with French was provided by the Butler family.

The cast would like to thank our most recent new patrons, Melissa Hartman, Emily Swanson, and Travis Hull.

If you’d like to help support Oz 9 (and boy howdy do we need support – also duct tape and neosporin), you can become a patron and get some fun rewards and stuff on our Patreon page.

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episode fifteen: Heroic Running!

Here’s a shocker: the Oz 9 crew’s lives are in danger. Suffocation, toxic gas, a loose assassin, the risk of being crushed under their own denseness–perils lurk around every corner and certainly between slices of bread.

Still, they’ve managed to make it through 14 episodes, so there may be hope for them yet.

Oh, who are we kidding. These people would starve to death on a broken carousel.


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Head 2 or “Emily”
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Eric Perry as Joe and Head 1
Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise
Richard Cowen as Leet
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Richard Nadolny, as your Narrator, and
Introducing June Eubanks as Glenda

Our theme music and other music was composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Sound effects from Freesound:

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episode fourteen: Of baguettes and bastards

In which

Captain Jessie is now aboard the Oz 9, which is great, except she brought her assassin with her (pro tip: don’t do that), and he’s managed to get a hold of some fairly crucial information about the Oz 9.

Will our pointless but slightly endearing crew survive? More importantly, who will hire the Narrator if they don’t?


You’ve been listening to:

  • Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
  • Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
  • Richard Cowen as Leet
  • Tim Sherburn as Colin and Head 2
  • Eric Perry as Joe, Mr. Southers, and Head 1
  • Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and
  • Richard Nadolny as your Narrator (email for rates)

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley with additional arrangement by Elliot Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Sound effects from Freesound:

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episode thirteen: Aim for the mime

You know how the little fluffy dogs are always the meanest? Well, this bichon frise is no exception. He’s coming for Captain Jessie, and things are looking bad for the fearless, tartan-clad leader of the 6748.

Join our intrepid- sorry, that’s insipid, crew as they try to help Jessie *pouf* her way to safety.


You’ve been listening to:

Richard Cowen as Leet

Tim Sherburn as Colin

Eric Perry as Joe

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie

Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise

Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia, and

Richard Nadolny as the Narrator.

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry

Sound effects from Freesound:

Want to help the Oz 9 limp safely to a terraformable planet? Or at least stay up in space rather than plummeting noisily to a fiery conclusion (sorry, Sweden!)? You can support us by buying Oz 9 merchandise or becoming a patron on Patreon.

Thank you!

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episode twelve: A bucket full of mime

In which…

A pod has popped open, and something is roaming loose aboard the Oz 9. Something silent…. but … deadly?

Jessie, Captain of the neighboring Oz 6748, may have good reason to fear for her life,


Olivia explains the MRDR protocol, which is just as bad as it sounds. Not sure if you knew this yet, but Gated Galaxies is kind of crap.


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin
Eric Perry as Joe
Richard Cowen as Leet
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie
Introducing Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise, and
Richard Nadolny as the Narrator

Our theme and other music is composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Sound effects from Freesound:

Special thanks to our first patrons! Join them in supporting Oz 9 by subscribing on Patreon. And thank you. We may still end up sleeping on your couch, but we appreciate the effort.

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episode eleven: She might do some lasting pickles

It’s Day Two

And we’re as startled as you are that anyone’s still alive.

Day two on the Oz 9 sees the crew celebrating fewer fatalities (sorry, Matt) at least on board (sorry, Sweden) and making a critical discovery about cheese.

But the two-headed repairbot is awake again and wreaking some havoc, Madeline needs to warn Jessie about her crew, and apparently, if someone invites you to go on an adventure in space, don’t go back for your purse or to the porta-loo.


You’ve been listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Head Two and Colin/Colon
Eric Perry as Head One, Joe, and Dr. von Haber-Zetzer
Richard Cowen as Leet
Shannon Perry as Olivia and Madeline
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie, and
Richard Nadolny as the Narrator

Our theme and other music is composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

If you like Oz 9 and would like to support us, you can purchase some sweet swag at Come find us on Twitter (you can start with @Oz9podcast and branch out from there). Our apologies to 1/8th of Sweden.

This episode is dedicated to Matt. May he rest in pees.

Sound effects from Freesound:

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Mini episode 10 and a half

We discover…

What happens when a homicidal, two-headed robot gets shoved into an empty (empty??) storage bay without arms or hope of release?

Good question. Listen in and find out.

This special mini-episode slots in between episodes 10 and 11. To get early access to mini-episodes, join our Patreon at any level.

As always, huge thanks to all our Patrons!


You’re listening to:

Eric Perry as Head One
Tim Sherburn as Head Two
Richard Nadolny as the Narrator

Our theme music and other music was composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

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episode ten: Fixing the ejaculax

Episode 10, in which we hope to find out…

Will Madeline and Joe be able to fix the copulatron and attach it to the forniculator before they realize neither of these things actually exists?

Is Leet doomed to spend most of his journey inside a healer pod?

Are there any sensible podcasts looking for a reliable, experienced narrator? And no, I’m not “asking for a friend.”


You’ve been listening to…

Eric Perry as Head One and Joe,
Richard Cowen as Leet,
Tim Sherburn as Head Two, Buck Nubbins, Colin, and random alarmed guy,
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie,
Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia,
Steven Crider as Rock Brickwell, and
Richard Nadolny, as your Narrator.

Our theme and other music was composed and performed by John Faley.

Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry, with special thanks to Shannon Valentine Hull for editing expertise.

For Beebs.

Sound effects from Freesound: (record scratch)

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episode nine: Mind the gap

In which:

Colin makes a sausage-scented discovery, Rock and Donna talk murder, we learn about automatic chopsticks, and Olivia confesses that she might not be … all there.


You’re listening to:

Tim Sherburn as Colin
Eric Perry as Joe
Richard Cowen as Leet
Shannon Perry as Olivia
Bonnie Brantley as woman’s voice and Donna
John Faley as man’s voice
Steven Crider as Rock Brickwell, and
Richard Nadolny as the Narrator
Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry. Our theme music and other music is composed and performed by John Faley, with additional arrangement by Elliot Faley.
Want that sweet tee the Narrator was talking about? You can find it and other merch in our store. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for announcements on our upcoming Patreon launch…!
Sound effects from Freesound:

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