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episode sixty-four: Is there anyone on the bridge whose name isn’t completely douchey?

Yeah, it’s kind of a long title, but it’s an important question. 

This episode is a flashback in which random, weird stuff happens, just in case you were wondering if 2021 and 2022 were the weirdest history gets.


You’ve been listening to:

Eric Perry as Joe
David S Dear as Tiberius
Shannon Perry as Olivia
Aaron Clark as Le Bichon Frise
Tim Sherburn as Colin
Richard Nadolny as your Narrator, and
Kyle Jones as Narrator 2.

Our music is composed and performed by John Faley; Lucas Elliott is our artist. This episode was directed by June Clark Eubanks. Oz 9 is written and produced by Shannon Perry.

Until next time, Space Monkeys!

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